Sweet Depression

É doce, é uma pressão constante... O blog de uma artista cronicamente deprimida... ou simplesmente deprimente. The blog of a depressive and depressing artist.


Distracções / Distractions

Lu está: grata

Tenho recebido, a propósito da posta sobre o súbito desabrochar do meu instinto maternal, e-mails com fotos e interessantes resumos pessoais.
Confesso que não esperava que levassem a brincadeira tão a sério. Ou melhor, esperava que não levassem a sério (e não levaram); não esperava era que entrassem nela.
Tenho-me divertido imenso com as repostas e, desde que sejam engraçadas, podem continuar a enviar.
Nestes dias, ando mesmo a precisar de uma distracção.

Música do momento: "Distractions" - Zero 7

Lu is: thankful

With regard to my
post about the sudden blossom of my maternal instict, I've been receiving e-mails with photos and interesting life resumes.
I confess I wasn't expecting guys to take the the joke so seriously. I mean, it's not that they took it seriously, but I wasn't expecting them to feed the joke.
I've had a whole lot of fun with the responses and you can keep sending them, as long as they're funny.
I've been really in the need of some distraction, lately.

Song of the moment: ""Distractions" - Zero 7


  • At 3:29 da tarde, Anonymous Anónimo said…

    Bgdo ;)

    Bem desejo-te Bom Natal pati tbm, k encntres akilo k keres debaixo da tua arvore de natal, e s nao o encntrares, lembra-te k ao menos tens os amigos, e esse nunca aparecem ao acaso!!

    Bem eu sou o Daisuke_ (www.photoblog.net/Daisuke_) e naos sabia cm comentar aki por isso vai mesmo assim.. ;)

    PEACE UP!!!

    Merry Christmas!! =) ****

    * * Sean Adams * *

  • At 2:39 da manhã, Anonymous Anónimo said…

    Hey, Daisuke's here! (www.photoblog.net/Daisuke_)

    like your coment on my pb, but a litle overeacted, but that's okay..

    keep it up ;)

  • At 11:47 da manhã, Anonymous Anónimo said…

    Hya hya Daisuke_ again...
    listen girl, you're quite an english writer, i feel like embarrased, it seems you write better than myself.... =$ lol

    Thanks for the coment again, well yeah, nobody has nothing to do with my life, but somepeople feel like they do, so they keep saying shit with nosense!!! to pitiful.... bah..

    well but thanks... oh and my eyes.... rather normal ;) ;) ;)


  • At 2:48 da tarde, Anonymous Anónimo said…

    Hya Hya again1 ;)
    bgdo pelos teus coments...
    mas olha, o k ker dizer "Etéreos"? e keu nao sei o k isso ker dizer, peço desculpa pela mha ignorancia! =S

    * * * beijo e epa...

    Keep dreaming... cuz the warriors weapons are the dreams... ;) ;)

  • At 3:57 da tarde, Anonymous Anónimo said…

    shit forgot to sign!! sorry... =$ =S
    OH and not mr Adams, only Sean ;) that's enough!!


    there ya go ;)

  • At 11:44 da tarde, Anonymous Anónimo said…

    LOL I loved your coment believe me.. you're very clever lil girl, 4 real... kinda like you...

    ohh i'm sorry for asking but hum... have you alreade add my e mail» or not?! =S


    thanks for the patience ;)


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