Lu está: taralhoca...
... ou simplesmente daltónica, visto que já não distingo o azulão de "save draft" do laranja de "publish post". Só agora reparei que tinha uma posta a mofar entre os rascunhos. Tonta...
Lu is: a wimp...
... or simply daltonic, since I no longer distinguish the blue of "save draft" from the orange of "publish post". I've just realized that I had a post growing old between the drafts. Dumbass...
... ou simplesmente daltónica, visto que já não distingo o azulão de "save draft" do laranja de "publish post". Só agora reparei que tinha uma posta a mofar entre os rascunhos. Tonta...
Lu is: a wimp...
... or simply daltonic, since I no longer distinguish the blue of "save draft" from the orange of "publish post". I've just realized that I had a post growing old between the drafts. Dumbass...
At 1:05 da tarde,
Anónimo said…
Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!
I have a college t shirtvendor site called Holden Tees. We're a small company and we sell shirts and stuff.
Come and check it out if you get time
-Holden Tees
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