Not the best day to mess with me
Lu está: uma arara
A minha garganta piorou e não consigo parar de tossir. Acho que não deveria ter ido à actuação dop meu grupo ontem. As friezas da margem do Sado fizeram-me mal.
A minha garganta piorou e não consigo parar de tossir. Acho que não deveria ter ido à actuação dop meu grupo ontem. As friezas da margem do Sado fizeram-me mal.
Nem deveria ter ido trabalhar hoje, mas fui.
E por falar em trabalho, se antes aquilo não me entusiasmava nada, agora é que posso dizer mesmo que vou trabalhar SÓ por obrigação. o T.J. demitiu-se... e assim se foi o único amigo e pessoa que se aproveita naquela empresa. Restam-me os agradáveis passeios dominicais e os encontros de final de tarde para ouvir as suas neuras (que estão longe de ser maiores que as minhas).
Estou cada vez mais farta de certas pessoas à minha volta. Concretamente das suas atitudes para comigo. Eu espero que este juízo que de mim fazem não seja generalizado, mas começo a notar que certos fulanos se insinuam como se eu fosse uma gaja fácil, coisa que estou e sempre estive longe de ser. Por motivos que desconheço (a sério, desconheço) nunca falta quem me ache uma mulher apelativa e claro que me sinto lisonjeada por isso. Mas nunca dei azo a certas observações e sugestões inconvenientes que me têm feito, por isso sinto-me deveras ofendida. Para os leitores, conhecidos ou anónimos, que ainda não o saibam, eu dou troco a muito poucos homens e entre esses poucos só figuram homens que me respeitam e que demonstram ter dois dedos de testa ao falar, que é o que estes anormais tentam fazer em vão. Aprendam: para estimular a minha libido, é preciso estimular a minha mente. Para esses idiotas, o meu desprezo. Blheh!
Outro blheh para quem acabou com os meus Lacinhos que eu ia comer para acompanhar o 5º chá desta noite.
Únicas coisas boas desta noite:
- Embalar o meu sobrinho nos braços (mesmo murmurando as canções muito baixinho e fazendo um esforço enorme para não tossir)
- As palavras do Tyler mesmo no finzinho do dia. Aquele moço tem a capacidade de dizer algo bom e inesperado na altura certa. É de embrulhar e levar para casa.
Frases do dia: «Considero-te mesmo uma amiga. Gosto muito de ti.»
Música do momento: "Winter" by DT8 Project
Música do momento: "Winter" by DT8 Project
Lu is: bitchy
My sore throat got worse and I can't stop coughing. I guess I shouldn't have gone to yesterday's performance. The cold weather near the river weren't good at all.
I shouldn't even had gone to work today, but I did.
Speaking of work, it was already not so exciting to me, but now I can really say that I ONLY go to work because I must. T.J. quit his job. Away goes my only friend and worthy person in that company. There'll still be the pleasant Sunday walks and the end of afternoon meetings to hear him whining about this world and the other (not as much as I do).
I'm getting seriously fed up with certain people around me. To be more exact, with their attitude towards me. I hope this is not the general opinion, but I start noticing that some guys hit on me as if I was some easy woman, which I am and have always been far from being. For reasons that are still to be known (seriously, I don't know them), there are always guys who find me an appealing woman and I obviously feel flattered by that. However, I've never given reasons for the observations and suggestions I've been made lately, so I feel rather offended. To the readers, whether they're acquaintances or annonymous, who don't know yet, I give a chance to very few men and among those few you can only find men who respect me and show some intelligence when they talk, which is what these jerk-offs try to do in vain. Learn: to stimulate my libido, you have to stimulate my brains. To those bastards, my despise. Blheh!
Another bleh to who finished with my biscuits that I wanted to eat with my 5th tea of this evening.
The only good hings of the evening:
- Lulling my nephew in my arms (even humming really softly and making a tremendous effort not to cough)
- Tyler's words right at the end of the day. That guy has the ability of saying something good and spontaneous on the right time. Feels like wraping him up and taking him home.
Quotes of the day: «I consider you a real friend. I care a lot about you.»
I shouldn't even had gone to work today, but I did.
Speaking of work, it was already not so exciting to me, but now I can really say that I ONLY go to work because I must. T.J. quit his job. Away goes my only friend and worthy person in that company. There'll still be the pleasant Sunday walks and the end of afternoon meetings to hear him whining about this world and the other (not as much as I do).
I'm getting seriously fed up with certain people around me. To be more exact, with their attitude towards me. I hope this is not the general opinion, but I start noticing that some guys hit on me as if I was some easy woman, which I am and have always been far from being. For reasons that are still to be known (seriously, I don't know them), there are always guys who find me an appealing woman and I obviously feel flattered by that. However, I've never given reasons for the observations and suggestions I've been made lately, so I feel rather offended. To the readers, whether they're acquaintances or annonymous, who don't know yet, I give a chance to very few men and among those few you can only find men who respect me and show some intelligence when they talk, which is what these jerk-offs try to do in vain. Learn: to stimulate my libido, you have to stimulate my brains. To those bastards, my despise. Blheh!
Another bleh to who finished with my biscuits that I wanted to eat with my 5th tea of this evening.
The only good hings of the evening:
- Lulling my nephew in my arms (even humming really softly and making a tremendous effort not to cough)
- Tyler's words right at the end of the day. That guy has the ability of saying something good and spontaneous on the right time. Feels like wraping him up and taking him home.
Quotes of the day: «I consider you a real friend. I care a lot about you.»
Theme of the moment: "Winter" by DT8 Project
At 2:30 da tarde,
Martika said…
retribuindo os comentários que deixaste no meu blog, deixo uma palavra de ânimo...A garganta vai melhorar, há-de aparecer um colega que, embora não substitua o teu amigo, concerteza se tornará teu amigo, e quanto às atitudes das pessoas para contigo, o simplesmente ignorar é muitas vezes o melhor remédio...Things will surely get better *
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